
NeurIPS 2020 Procgen Competition

What I tried and learned

Super Smash Bros. 64 AI: Reinforcement Learning Part 1: The Environment

Introducing a Super Smash Bros. 64 RL environment and initial experiments


Why should MuZero perform better than other DRL algorithms?

Super Smash Bros. 64 AI: Behavioral Cloning

Write-up on Super Smash Bros. 64 AI developed using behavioral cloning.

Two Link Programmatic Control

Controlling a robotic arm with reinforcement learning 3: two-link programmatic control

Single Servo Control

Controlling a robotic arm with reinforcement learning 2: single servo control

LED Control

Controlling a robotic arm with reinforcement learning 1: led control

Robotics Intro

Controlling a robotic arm with reinforcement learning: outline

DQN Tips

Tips and heuristics for training Deep Q-Networks